
Sets, chains and rules - part II

Differentiating set projections.

Sets, chains and rules - part I

The Pandora box from simple set membership.

Experiments on communicating vessels, constrained optimization and manifolds

Constrained optimization on a fundamental engineering problem

Differentiating the discrete: Automatic Differentiation meets Integer Optimization

What can automated gradient computations bring to mathematical optimizers, what does it take to compute?

Bridges as an extended dispatch system

Compiling mathematical optimization problems in a multiple-dispatch context.

A take on Benders decomposition in JuMP

Cracking Benders decomposition, one cut at a time.

Variables are not values: types and expressions in mathematical optimization

Some digging in representations for optimization modelling

Picking different names with integer optimization

Making social events easier as a graph problem.

The cutting stock problem: part 2, solving with column generation

A column generation algorithm for the cutting width problem using Julia and JuMP

Tackling the cutting stock problem: part 1, problem exploration

Solving a cutting stock problem step by step using Julia and JuMP