
These are a few thoughts I put in a text file, probably on paper before.

This is a short post on the cut selection mechanism in SCIP and things I used for its implementation in the SCIP.jl Julia wrapper. You …

Today was the release of SCIP.jl v0.11, the first release switching to SCIP 8. The major change in this (massive) release was the …

It has been about a year since I joined the Zuse Institute to work on optimization methods and computation. One of the key projects of …

An opinionated guide for outsiders.

Random thoughts I’ve been willing to write since the defence.

Make it useful for reviewers, not a hassle for authors.

Differentiating set projections.

The Pandora box from simple set membership.

Constrained optimization on a fundamental engineering problem

Calling it a guide would imply I figured it out, this is merely documenting what works… okay?